1LDK + JK Ikinari Doukyo Micchaku! Hatsu Ecchi!! Episode 4
Just two more tasks to complete August’s work!
I feel like I can finish before the holiday.
However, ‘Reginetta-san no Bouken’ Episode 1 is putting a lot of pressure on me.
In addition, I have created two versions of Funscript.
- 1LDK + JK Ikinari Doukyo Micchaku! Hatsu Ecchi!! Episode 4
- 1LDK + JK Ikinari Doukyo Micchaku! Hatsu Ecchi!! Episode 4 Version 2
- This is the version that removed scenes of kissing, breast fondling, fingering, nipple licking, and finger sucking.
Additionally, although it has subtitles, it’s only in 480P. There’s a chance that once a higher resolution version is added, the video duration might increase or decrease, causing the Funscript to become inaccurate. The current video duration is 16:09.301 (FPS: 23.976), and I’m recording this for reference.
Video link:
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1LDK+J系 いきなり同居?密着!初エッチ!! 第4話
不過,リジネッタさんの冒険 第1話讓我壓力好大。
- 1LDK+J系 いきなり同居?密着!初エッチ!! 第4話
- 1LDK+J系 いきなり同居?密着!初エッチ!! 第4話 Version 2
- 這個是刪除了接吻、揉胸、指交、舔乳啜手指等場景的版本。
Funscript 下載 (需訂閱以下其中一個會藉):