自宅警備員2 第四話,Jitaku Keibiin 2 Episode 4

Jitaku Keibiin 2 Episode 4

We’ve reached the fourth episode, and right from the start, it’s evidence of the aunt’s decadence, savoring the protagonist’s panties.

Following that is the scene where the male protagonist and his aunt deepen their relationship; I’ll skip it for you.

The aunt’s words do not match her true feelings, so there are many scenes that enhance the relationship.

Therefore, I also learned that my aunt has indeed been a widow all along and has never engaged in extramarital affairs. It should be true that she has endured a lot of sexual desire, which is why she was conquered by the male protagonist.


This indirectly proves that the uncle’s husband has a relationship with the protagonist’s mother, and the aunt has been without sexual activity for a long time.

Tomorrow is cousin’s wedding, and the male protagonist must take action.

The author here has set up a suspense. In the case of the aunt’s downfall, it should have already reached some agreement, which is why she casually went to take a bath.

During the bath, my aunt remarked that this home is a women’s prison.

The uncle’s husband indeed had an affair with the protagonist’s mother, but! They were the ones who were in love from the beginning. The aunt was later arranged to marry the uncle because the homeowner (grandfather) wanted to prevent incest.


1.It makes sense to explain why the inheritance right was given to the cousin instead of the male protagonist, because the male protagonist is the result of incestuous love.

2.Why was the engagement between the male protagonist and his cousin canceled? Because they are actually siblings!

So for Aunt, she considers herself the third party, also the veil of disgrace for this family, placed as an object in this home.

The scene shifts! The homeowner (grandfather) and the maid are killed, and at the same time, the culprit and a farewell letter are found.

The culprit is the new lover (new fiancé) of the cousin. As for the motive for murder, it has not been mentioned; you need to watch the episode 5.

In the farewell letter, the cousin was designated to inherit the estate; however, the cousin declined, and the inheritance was passed on to the aunt.

At the end of the story, the aunt deposited most of the assets into a bank as a fixed deposit, using the remaining amount to spend the rest of her life with the male protagonist.

The male protagonist transitioned from being a Home Security Guard to a working professional. Despite this change, the male protagonist is very happy because he finally has someone who loves him.

– Episode 4 Complete-


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自宅警備員2 第四話






  • 這樣間接證明了叔母的丈夫和男主角的母親有染,叔母長期獨守空房。




叔母的丈夫真的和男主角的母親有染,但是!她們才是一開始就相愛的,叔母是後來被指配嫁給叔父,因為屋主 ( 祖父 )要阻止亂倫。


  • 這樣就解釋得通,為什麼繼承權給了表妹而非男主角了,因為男主角是亂倫之愛的結晶品。
  • 還有為什麼男主角和表妹的婚約會取消?因為表妹不表,是兩兄妹!


畫面一轉!屋主 ( 祖父 )和女僕被殺,同時也找到犯人和遺書。

犯人是表妹的新愛人 ( 新未婚夫 ),至於殺人動機並未提及,需要收看五集了。




– 第四集完 –



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