自宅警備員2 第一話,Jitaku Keibiin 2 Episode 1

Jitaku Keibiin 2 Episode 1

Today is the anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region! Stay at home and do some home security. Today, you are Jitaku Keibiin!

This set is actually quite interesting, but I don’t know why Lv. 2 member voting hasn’t attracted much attention for a comeback. So, let me introduce it specially!

The story is about the inheritance case of the 灰原 family, with different endings. Now it is the 玲奈 route.

The landlord (grandfather) is the grandfather of the male protagonist, but for some unknown reason, the heir to the landlord is actually his cousin.


While there is no data indicating the specific era, in large families in Japan, there is often a preference for sons over daughters. Even in modern times, the order of inheritance is not typically led by a female cousin; it is expected that the male protagonist takes precedence.

The male protagonist was originally the fiancé of his cousin, but canceled it due to his grandfather’s (the homeowner) words (reason temporarily unknown).

My cousin loves someone else. In a week, she will marry her new love and become the owner of the house after the wedding.

The male protagonist speculates that he will be driven away because his cousin, who has received an elite education, looks down upon otaku characters. Therefore, he is determined to reclaim the house he believes should belong to him and win over his cousin.


The female protagonist’s room is equipped with a Japanese sword. How could a normal girl’s room have a Japanese sword? This is clearly a precaution against the male protagonist.

The key point is to start with the Xia-style, and the specific breathing method used is temporarily unclear.

The male protagonist plans to use covert photography to uncover the secrets of his cousin and her companions, with the intention of canceling the wedding and thus being able to “guard” his “belongings.”


The male protagonist’s voyeuristic plan is actually a tribute to himself. Jitaku Keibiin 1

Subsequently, the male protagonist utilized the secretly recorded masturbation videos and other materials as a means of coercion. the male protagonist want to control cousin. And have passionate sex with cousin!


I have to admire my cousin; loneliness sets in so quickly? Due to the inconvenience of spoilers, I can only say that my cousin’s secret seems a bit forced compared to the secrets of other female protagonists. As the first episode, the start is not great, but in fact, the overall work is very good! And there are details!

At the end of the film, when the male protagonist returned to his room after having sex with his cousin, he overheard a conversation between the maid and his grandfather (the owner of the house).

Upon obtaining the following information:
1. Bullet number twelve is placed in the drawer of the cabinet in the grandfather’s (homeowner’s) room.
2. No evidence was left behind, unsure whether it refers to the existence of this bullet or the presence of an assassin.
3. Can definitely cause death, but uncertain about the target.
The male protagonist immediately went to investigate but found only a diary (presumably) belonging to his cousin.
In the diary, he discovered that on December 27th, the cousin (presumably) used a knife to stab the mother of the male protagonist.
Due to the diary’s ambiguous expressions, the male protagonist captured it with his mobile phone for future use if necessary.
– Episode 1 Complete-

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自宅警備員2 第一話


套其實好有意思,但不知道為什麼Lv .2投票返場無人問津,那麼我就特別地介紹下吧!


屋主 ( 祖父 ) 是男主角的祖父,但暫時未知原因地屋主繼承人竟然是表妹。


  • 雖然沒有資料顯示年代,但在日本的大家族中,多半都是重男輕女,即使是現代,遺產的順位,也不是個表妹排先,應該都是男主角排前

男主角原本是表妹的未婚夫,但因祖父(屋主)便取消了 ( 暫時未知原因 )




  • 其實如果原屋主有意交託或轉讓,不論在何時何地都是合法合理的
  • 結了婚都樣能離,更何況只是未婚夫
  • 女主角屋間是備有把無上大快刀,正常女孩子的房間怎麼會有日本刀?這是明顯防男主角用
  • 重點是起手就是霞構式,什麼呼吸法使用者暫時不詳。

男主角打算利用偷拍看看能不能找到表妹行人的把柄,令婚禮取消,便能 ”守衛” 到自已的 ” 東西 ”。


  • 男主角的偷拍計劃其實是致敬自已系列中的套男主角灰谷



  • 不得不佩服表妹,寂寞得也太快了吧?由於不方便劇透,只能說表妹的把柄比對其他女主角的把柄有點牽強,做為集來說,頭沒開好,但其實作品整體是非常好!而且有細節!


1. 十號子彈放在祖父(屋主)房間內櫃子的抽屜

2. 沒有留下證據,不知道是指這個子彈的存在還是有殺手的存在

3. 絕對能殺掉,但殺誰不知道。

男主角立刻就前往尋找,但只有本 ( 疑似 ) 表妹的日記

並在日記中得知12月27日,表妹( 疑似 )用刀插死了男主角的母親


– 集完 –



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